Alastair Adams PPRP NAPA

Alastair works almost exclusively in the field of commissioned portraits. He finds acrylic paint suitable as its quick-drying nature allows him to rework portraits on location as a sitter settles or a more revealing pose or composition emerges. He works mainly on board using a clear acrylic canvas primer to preserve the mid-tone qualities of his support. Alastair likes to use a limited palette without blacks or browns. The palette is based on warm and cold primaries and secondaries. It consists of two yellows; lemon yellow and cadmium yellow, two reds, cadmium red and crimson and phthalo green and phthalo blue all mixed with a good titanium white. Occasionally he will experiment with mixed secondaries including dioxazine purple, sap green and yellow ochre. Favoured brands include Spectrum or Galleria for large areas of underpainting and Finity, Cryla or preferably Golden for resolved top colour. In 2008, Alistair became President of the Royal Society of Portrait Painters, the youngest in its 120-year history. In 2022, Alastair returned to the role of Treasurer